Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Social Thinking

  We have been learning a lot about how to be a respectful member of our classroom. We have been reading a lot of stories around this topic. Today we read "Have You Filled A Bucket Today?" written by Carol McCloud.  With this story we learned that everyone has an imaginary bucket that holds their good feelings. When we are kind and thoughtful, we can help to fill that person's bucket. If we are not kind, we are bucket dippers, and that does not make others feel good. Our goal is to fill everyone's bucket and in doing so, we also fill our own!

We will follow up with these two bucket filling books.

Last week we began with stories and conversations using the "Incredible Flexible You" series. This is a social thinking curriculum and there are 5 stories in the series. We are learning that our actions and the things we do can affect how others around us feel. We have read and discussed the first of the books in this series. 

Links for more info. 

Bucket Filling Song (The kids love this!)

Other songs the kids love: 

By: Juicebox Jukebox

The Loving Kindness Song
By: Charity Kahn

Winter celebration!

 Gingerbread decorating and snowflake crafting....we had lots of fun today!