Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Garden Clean-up!
What a class of hard workers! As we were heading out to recess this morning, I looked out of the window at our sad looking garden. I made an announcement on a whim to invite kids to meet me at the garden if they would like to be part of "Garden Club" at recess!! We cleaned up the garden and it is looking so much better. They were super excited to be part of the club and we even cleaned up trash on the playground! I think I may try this idea of clubs at home with Lydia and Annabelle...I'm thinking "sock matching club" and "window washing club"! HA!
As I mentioned last week we use "Handwriting Without Tears" for our handwriting curriculum. This is a wonderful program and a welc...
We made it through our first day of Kindergarten and we had a great day! Here are some photos I took today! (You'll notice I am not a ph...
I intended to take more photos but life in kindergarten can get quite busy! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!