Each day we decided on what our fact would be and we wrote the facts together by first saying the sentence a few times, counting the number of words in the sentence, stretching the first word, and remembering that the first word in a sentence begins with a capital. We would then "read" (say) the sentence again and stretch out the next word, writing all the sounds. We repeated this process until the sentence was complete. Each child wrote their own words as we went using the Stage app on their iPads and we each took turns writing on the paper on the easel. It was a group effort in creating the sentences for the hallway but individually, their ability to stretch the words and notice the various sounds was impressive. They have learned so much this year....I am so proud of them!!
If you would like to follow the eagles from home the website is here: Decorah Eagles
Our facts are:
Eagles are raptors.
Baby eagles are called eaglets.
Eagles have good eyesight to spot their prey.
Eagles have sharp talons to hold their food.
With this activity we worked on or reviewed:
Sentence structure (capital letter, spaces, period)
Digraphs (th, sh, ch)
Endings (adding an "s" when you mean more then 1)
We touched on vowel pairs (When two vowels go a walkin' the first one does the talkin')
Noticing "snap" words in other words
Practiced using the "snap" words we "just know"
We also drew beautiful Bald Eagles and painted them!